Commitment against corruption

Since its foundation in 1958, the Elecnor Group and each of its employees have had the vocation and are fully committed to carrying out their activities with the highest ethical standards and in accordance with the laws in force in the territories and countries in which they operate, as well as complying with and defending human rights and respect for labour rights, acting with diligence and professionalism, integrity, quality, care for the environment, prevention of occupational risks, the fight against corruption and social responsibility.

Elecnor's Group commitment to fighting corruption and bribery is based on theses principles and values and is expressly set out in its Elecnor Ethic CodeCompliance Policy and Ant-Corruption Policy, which establish that:

Under no circumstances will Elecnor personnel or related parties engage in unethical practices that may be seen to hinder the impartiality, transparency or fairness of decisions made by authorities, public officials, persons involved in public service or any other person outside the organisation.

These unethical practices may include: offering or promising gifts, favours or remuneration of any kind, or the existence of any situation arising from personal relationships with authorities, public officials, persons involved in public service or any other person outside the organisation who may have influence on a decision that could directly or indirectly financially benefit Elecnor or a third party.

Elecnor's staff and related persons will refrain from receiving, soliciting or accepting from, or promising, offering or granting to third parties any unjustified benefits, for them or for third parties, as a consideration to unduly favour another person or to unduly favour themselves or a third party over another person in the purchase or sale of goods, contracting of services or in commercial relationships.

Whether such conduct occurs outside of working hours or Elecnor facilities, whether it is individually financed, or whether it takes place in Spain or abroad, will have no bearing on the decision as to whether it is considered a crime.


El Sistema de Cumplimiento de Elecnor es la principal herramienta de lucha contra la corrupción y el soborno con la que cuenta la organización. Como muestra de su compromiso con este objetivo, su vocación por la mejora continua y por ser un referente tanto a nivel nacional como internacional en el ámbito del Cumplimiento, en enero de 2018, Elecnor se convirtió en la primera empresa española de su sector en obtener la certificación en la norma UNE-ISO 37001 de "Sistemas de gestión antisoborno", el primer y más exigente estándar internacional certificable para articular sistemas de gestión en compliance y lucha contra la corrupción.

Asimismo, en febrero de 2019, la organización obtuvo también la certificación de su Sistema de Cumplimiento en la norma UNE 19601 de “Sistemas de gestión de compliance penal”, principal referencia en España para diseñar y articular sistemas de prevención de delitos y riesgos penales y plenamente inspirado en los más altos estándares internacionales en esta materia.

Canal Ético

The Elecnor Group has made a confidential channel available to its professionals and/or third parties with legitimate interests, whereby they can report and inform, in good faith, about conduct that is irregular or in breach of current legislation or the provisions in the Group’s Code of Ethics and Conduct, as well as express any doubts regarding this subject or suggest improvements to the existing internal systems of control.

All the professionals in the Elecnor Group have the obligation to immediately report any irregular practice, illegal or unethical behaviour of which they may have knowledge or have witnessed. This channel can be accessed via the following e-mail address: or by post at: Apartado de Correos nº 72-48008 (Bilbao, Vizcaya - Spain) (to the attention of: "Canal Ético").

