What is Smartmove?
Elecnor Sistemas together with Sorigué and Acció de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain), have developed the 'Smartmove' project, an initiative that seeks to promote a technology based on magnetic markers to achieve road safety for autonomous vehicles.

The research is funded by the Agency for the Competitiveness of Enterprise (ACCIO) and is part of the RIS3CAT strategy. It also has the collaboration of the Laboratory for Technological Innovation of Structures and Materials (Litem). 

Despite the fact that autonomous vehicles are equipped with obstacle detection mechanisms, there are numerous risk situations associated with climatic elements such as fog or rain and uncertainty in decisions, which prevent zero risk safety from existing to date, even in this type of vehicle. Faced with this scenario, the need has been identified for these vehicles to have a redundant safety system that is robust and reliable, guaranteeing local information on the environment. 

The aim is to ensure that driver safety does not depend on their vulnerability, but is increasingly supported by technological advances, such as cameras or the LIDAR device. 

Elecnor sees innovation as a driving force for progress and a guarantee for the future. Through R&D&I, the Group contributes value and differentiates itself from its competitors. 
